A picture of me

Cameron Williams

Undergraduate Student

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Miami University
Hughes Hall
Oxford, OH 45056

Curriculum Vitae

About Me

My name is Cameron Williams and I am a senior biochemistry major at Miami University. I grew up in a rural area of Ohio, only fifteen minutes from Miami. I conduct structural biology research in Dr. Rick Page's laboratory, and I am a supplemental instructor for undergraduate organic chemistry courses. After graduating from Miami in the spring of 2017, I plan to earn my doctoral degree. I am currently in the process of applying to grad programs. My long-term career goal is to teach and conduct research at the university level. You can find my contact information above. Also, I attached my CV, which includes a list of publications and poster presentations.

About this Site

This website serves several purposes. It acts as an online resume where I can post about my research and other accomplishments. Also, I am using this website to share resources with organic chemistry students at Miami. Lastly, I thought that it would be fun to learn how to create an HTML website on my own from the ground up.

My website is hosted by Super Dimension Fortress (SDF). SDF is a public access UNIX server. Users connect to the system via terminal (using SSH) and have access to a wide variety of utilities including email, gopherspace, webspace, and games. In short, it is free non-commercial internet for UNIX enthusiasts. You can learn more at http://sdf.org.

Updated 22 December 2016 by Cameron Williams